Monday, April 4, 2011

Kid Conversation

Kid's say the funniest/cutest/sweetest things.  I love Facebook updates with kid conversations, whether with mom or dad, to siblings, or even self ramblings.  I know you all love them, too, due the responses to those status updates. :)  Every Monday we'll post a "Kid Conversation" on here for you to enjoy.  Please email me your kid conversations to share, especially if you deemed it Facebook worthy.  Feel free to add any kid conversations on the topic of the week below in the comments as well. 
On the difference between boys & girls: 
(While playing with toy animals)
Mom:  Lizzie, what are your tigers' names?
L:  Oh, this is Pretty and this is Princess.
Mom:  Nick, what is your dog's name?
N:  Eyeball. 
from FHM Mommy Rita P., while on a plane ride with her 4 year old twins.  Brave woman!

Took this image from another twin blog:  (Hopefully they won't mind since I linked it to their site).  Just had to show these t-shirts and how they sum up the difference between boys and girls pretty accurately.  I know that's not always the case (don't get mad, please), and there are many girl destroyers and boy architects (though the boys still usually destroy their own creations shortly after building them).  In my playgroup experiences, observing primary aged children on the playground while substitute teaching, and in raising three boys, I've found this difference to be really, really quite true.


  1. My daughter being observant the other day with my husband....
    "I can see your eyes but I can't see my eyes" --Brooklyn

  2. One of my four twins (who was extremely difficult to potty train) said this a few months ago "I had to poop my pants because I was running late."
